Network for the protection of journalists and media worldwide

Hannah Arendt Initiative

We are a network of civil society organizations that, at the initiative and with funding from the German Foreign Office and the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media, protects and supports journalists from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus and other countries who are under threat as they conduct their important work.

Among the Hannah Arendt Initiative projects are training measures, regional scholarship programs and exile journalism centers in countries abroad as well as corresponding measures for journalists living in exile in Germany.

Partners in this protection program include DW Akademie, the European Fund for Journalism in Exile (JX-Fund), MiCT – Media in Cooperation and Transition, and the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF).

The program is committed to constitutional state neutrality. Funding is based solely on unbiased criteria and independent juries free of state influence.

MiCT launches Exile Media Hub Brandenburg

A place of residence for exiled media professionals and a tailor-made educational program: MiCT’s new Exile Media Hub Brandenburg focuses on living and working during the initial period of exile.

Click here for the press release in German.

Space for Freedom: „We decided to leave while we still could“

A Russian journalist in exile and participant in DW Akademie’s „Space for Freedom“ program talks about the fear of being targeted as a journalist, leaving Russia and the psychological toll of life in exile.

Click here for the video.

Ein Mann interviewt eine Frau vor Publikum.
Providing support for media professionals under threat

At Deutsche Welle’s 2024 Global Media Forum in Bonn, the Hannah Arendt Initiative presented its approaches to protecting media professionals worldwide. A panel discussion provided concrete insights.

Click here for the report.

Baerbock: Hannah Arendt Initiative gives journalists space

In her speech at the GMF 2024 in Bonn, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock emphasized that independent journalism is under pressure worldwide. The Hannah Arendt Initiative strengthens independent voices with its commitment to help those under threat.

Click here for the full speech in German.

Afghan media professionals dare to start anew in exile

With DW Akademie’s support, Afghan media professionals in exile are covering news. They recently founded Kubha News, a crucial lifeline of free access to information.

Click here for the interview with two of the founders.


DW Akademie: Space for Freedom

Through the project Space for Freedom, DW Akademie and local partner organizations are helping create new perspectives for journalists and media working in exile.

The project is aimed at exiled journalists originally from Afghanistan, Belarus and Russia. It is also developing structures and creating resources to enable exiled journalists and media outlets to continue to report critically.

More information:


European Centre for Press and Media Freedom: Voices of Ukraine

Members of the media covering Russia's war on Ukraine in Kyiv (Kiev) Ukraine, March 14, 2022.

The program offers 120 stipends for journalists on the ground in Ukraine. The stipends provide these journalists with an income that enables them to continue their work and report independently. An additional fund within the program will be used to replace outdated or broken equipment such as cameras, computers and mobile phones.

In addition, Voices of Ukraine supports the Journalists-in-Residence program in Kosovo, run by ECPMF and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ).

More information:


JX Fund: Rebuilding editorial structures in exile

The JX Fund is helping media workers quickly and flexibly to continue their work after they have fled war and crisis zones. It aims to strengthen independent media in exile beyond a current phase of high attention and to support the building of sustainable media outlets accessible for their home countries.

More information:


Media in Cooperation and Transition: Critical Voices Fellowship

The MICT Fellowship for Critical Voices is aimed at media professionals from war and crisis regions who are acutely threatened by political persecution, censorship or discrimination in their home countries. This year, the initial focus is on supporting media professionals from Afghanistan, Belarus, Russia, Myanmar and Ukraine.

The Fellowship is intended to provide media professionals with quick and uncomplicated support, initially until the end of the year, so that they can safely pursue their valuable work and continue to inform the target groups in their home countries.

More information:


Annalena Baerbock

Minister for Foreign Affairs

“Free journalism is the best antidote to human rights violations and the abuse of power. Particularly right now, we are witnessing once again how indispensable the work of journalists is, who, for example, report on the protests of intrepid women and girls in Iran or Russia’s horrific war crimes in Ukraine. They are all too often persecuted, arrested, beaten up and murdered for their work. In order to continue their work, these courageous people need safe havens, employment opportunities and support. That is why we are now creating the Hannah Arendt Initiative, an emergency program for media workers and journalists offering tangible protection and support measures.”

Claudia Roth

Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media of Germany

“Journalists are increasingly becoming targets of dictators, anti-democrats and extremists, as they shake the propaganda of the Potemkin villages in Moscow, Kabul, Tehran and around the world with their free and independent reporting. They are powerful, self-confident voices in the struggle for freedom and self-determination, for democracy and peace. The Hannah Arendt Initiative sends an important signal of support for freedom of expression and freedom of the press and for the protection of journalists, especially in these times. With this initiative, we are providing targeted support for journalists who have fled their home countries so that they can continue their important work in exile. (…)”
